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Últimas Relatorías - 2015-02

Publico para su información las relatorías del próximo miércoles. 1. Gustbowl: Technology supporting affective communication through routine ritual interactions, paper de Wouter van der Hoog, Ianus Keller & Pieter Jan Stapper Gustbowl Technology Supporting Affective Communication Through Routine Ritual Interactions 2. The Specifics of Creating Emotional Comfort by Means of Modern Design, paper de Maria Kukhta & Yevgeniy Pelevin The Specifics of Creating Emotional Comfort by Means of Modern Design 3. Aesthetics and Experience-centered Design, paper de Peter Wright, Jayne Wallace & John McCarthy Aesthetics and Experience-centered Design s

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Nuevas Relatorías

Relatorias Primer Semestre de 2015

Presentación "Interacción, Experiencia y Emoción"

Relatoría "Surprise and Humor in Product Design - Designing Sensory Metaphors in Multiple Modalities"

Relatoría "What is Beautiful is Usable"

Presentación "Comprobaciones de Usabilidad"

Relatoría - Designing Moments of Meaning and Pleasure

Relatoría - Entornos

Relatoría - Una taxonomía de las Necesidades Humanas

Perfiles de los Consumidores - CCB